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Fatal: Unable to Read Current Working Directory: No Such File or Directory Fatal: Index-pack Failed


What does "fatal: non a git repository" mean?

This mistake means y'all attempted to run a Git command, only weren't inside a Git repository. Brand sure y'all've:

  • Navigated to the right directory. Cheque with `ls`.
  • Initialized your repository with `git init` or by cloning an existing repo.

Usually, this is enough to fix the mistake. However, if that doesn't exercise information technology, or you're just curious almost what it all means, permit'southward dig in.

A Git command needs to be run on a specific repository, and so this fault typically occurs when a Git command is run in a directory that Git doesn't know almost. In these cases, the fix is to make sure that you are both working in the correct folder and that yous fix up your repository right.

You can check if you're working in the right directory past running `ls` (or, for Windows, `dir`) -- this will output a listing of folders and files in your current working directory, and should give you enough context to effigy out if you lot're in the right identify. If you lot're not, yous can `cd` (change directory) to reach the right one

Bin - Git Status

fatal: not a git repository (or whatever of the parent directories): .git

Once you lot're in the right directory, you'll want to make sure your repository is set up correctly. The most common reason for this error is that you actually haven't set up your Git repository at all -- if that's the case, you lot'll want to run `git init` to kick off that procedure (read more about that in the official Git documentation here).

Bin - My-File.txt

$ git init

If that doesn't solve the problem, there'southward actually another way this error tin be triggered -- if your Head file is corrupted. We'll cover this later -- but first, a scrap of background data.

How exercise Git repositories work?

A Git repository is a binder with a .git folder as a straight child. That .git folder contains all the information about your repository, including a history of all changes, the current branch you lot're working on, and all the other information Git tracks.

Whenever yous run a Git command, the starting time thing information technology does is cheque to see if you're working in a valid Git repository by looking for that .git binder. If it finds that folder, then you're all ready and it moves to the adjacent phase of running that command. If information technology tin't find that folder, nonetheless, Git has no context in which to operate. It doesn't know anything about your project, so information technology throws a fit.

The reason for the (or whatever of the parent directories) function of the fault is that Git volition really travel upward the directory tree to the root of your calculator looking for that `.git` folder. In plain English, it checks the binder that you're currently in, and and then the folder containing that folder, and then on, upward as far as possible.

That's why, if y'all're working in a Git repository, you can `cd` into a child folder and still exist able to run Git commands merely fine.

Note: if you create a Git repository inside another repository, Git will care for that repository independently of its parent. In other words, Git will use the beginning `.git` binder it finds and treat its parent folder, forth with all that folders children, as the current repository.


How to actually know you lot're in a Git repository

Generally speaking, you lot tin get a Git repository locally in one of two ways. Ane way is to run the `git clone` command and clone a repository from an existing repository (whether that repository exists locally on your computer or on a server running Git such equally The other manner is to initialize a new Git repository using the `git init` command to set up version tracking in a new binder.

Either way, that `.git` folder I mentioned should exist in the repository'south root (top-most folder). If `ls` and seeing your project's folders isn't enough for you, at that place'southward another technique to be even more sure that you're in the correct place. That menstruum in front of the `.git` folder ways that it'southward really a hidden binder, so it won't evidence up in your Finder or Explorer window and is typically merely meant for scripts and OS-level commands to access.

With a bit of magic, though, nosotros can see it ourselves. Yous but need to add a flag to the `ls` command that will ask it to show hidden folders, and that's the `-laf` flag.
The command looks like this:

Bin - Elliot Staff

$ -ls laf

As you can run across, that command spat out a list of local files and folders with a bunch of extra gobbledegook, arranged into a table. The most of import binder nosotros're looking for is that `.git` folder. If you see it, that means y'all're in a Git repository.

If that doesn't fix it, bank check your Caput file

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, at that place's some other style this verbal error can occur: if your Caput file is corrupted.

The Head file is a file that sits directly in the `.git` directory, and it contains some information that points Git to the electric current branch that you're working on. If your Head file is somehow emptied or corrupted, you'll start seeing the verbal aforementioned mistake, even though you are currently in a correctly initialized repository.

To check that the Caput file contains the correct contents, you can run the `true cat` command:

Bin - Git Head

$ cat .git/HEAD

If this produces an unexpected result, figure out which branch you're working in and then put that into the Caput file.

Read more well-nigh the Head file here, including what format the contents should be in. Good luck!


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